Monday, September 17, 2012

عار على انسان جعل الإيمان مثلا القتل والذبح

بقلم : لوريت أسعد

عار على انسان جعل الايمان مثال القتل والذبح
اونسيتم يا قوم أن الله محبة ؟
انسيت يا انسان انك من التراب و الى التراب ستعود ؟
انسيت يا انسان ان خالق الاكوان وحده الرحمن الرحيم المدين ؟

اذ من قلب محروق اكتب لكم وأبك..
انسان لي دين بافعلي و ليس بقولي
قد اعتبر ما اكتب وحي من الله,
لأني اكتب كلماتي بتسامح,
لتهدي جميع الأديان

عار عليك يا مسيحي بان تدين الاسلام على ايمان
فبالانجيل مسيحك قال : لا تدين لكي لا تدان

عار عليك يا مسلم بان تحول المحبة والتسامح لرسالة قتل وتدين الاديان
فان الله محبة و وحده المدين الرحمن

ها انا احول قهري و عذابي لكلمات تقول :
ما ذنبي ان خلقني الله على ديني ؟
ليكن لي ما اراده الله
ذنبك ان لم تحترمني لشخصي و ديني

(ادعو اخي الانسان على قسم الشهيد جبران تويني (رحمه الله
نقسم بالله العظيم
 اسلام و مسيحيين
ان نبقى متحدين
الى ابد الآبدين


حوار المذاهب .. و(البيان الشيعي الجديد)

كثير من الملاحظات والانتقادات على مؤتمر التضامن الاسلامي التي عقدت في مكة المكرمة ليلة سبعة وعشرين من رمضان ولدت قبل ميلاده. فاليائسون والمحبطون من كل المؤتمرات العربية والاسلامية اعلنوا فشله حتى قبل أن يعقد. ولعلنا نلتمس لهم العذر فيما مضى من مؤتمرات، وآخرها مؤتمر مماثل قبل اربع سنوات، لم نرى ثماره حتى اليوم. 
ولكنني أختلف مع الذين شككوا في نتائج المؤتمر وتوصياته، بل وحتى في مبدأ انعقاده. والخص اسبابي في مايلي:
١. أن مجرد اجتماع هذا الحشد من قادة الامة الاسلامية بجوار الكعبة ليلة السابع والعشرين له عند الله وفي أنفسهم ونفوس من يليهم من الأمة أثر وخير ومنفعة. فلعل الله يؤلف بين قلوبهم ويجمعهم نيتهم على صلاح الامة ورفعة شأن الدين. 
٢. وضع البيان الختامي يده على أهم جروح الأمة النازفة، ووحد الصف حولها، فشرعية الحكومة السورية سقطت في ٥٦ دولة، وبالتالي لم تعد لها الحصانة التي تقيها التدخل والدعم للمعارضة. وهذه خطوة سياسية وقانونية هامة. ثم أن الأمة الاسلامية التي اجتمع قادتها حول الكعبة المشرفة تكون بذلك انحازت الى صف الشعب السوري ومن يدافع عنه ويدعمه. 
كما سلطت الحكومات الاسلامية الأضواء على مايجري في بورما بعد أن كان جزاري الحكومة والبوذية يستمتعون بجهل أو تجاهل العالم لجرائمهم. فالظلام حليف الاجرام. والمؤتمر فتح عيون الأمة والعالم على مايجري، وبدأ خطوات عملية لدعم المسلمين هناك، والدفاع عن حقوقهم. 
ووضع البيان يده على أهم جروح الأمة النازفة، وبين الاسباب: الطائفية والمذهبية والعنصرية. فهذه الأمة التي جمعتها الشهادة وأركان الإسلام الخمسة، فرقتها التفاصيل. فالإسلام السياسي والخلافات الفقهية التي نبتت عن صراعات عمرها ١٤٠٠ عام سممت جسد الأمة ومزقت وحدتها، فأنحل حبل الله الذي أمرنا بالاعتصام به، وتفرق جمعنا وسهلنا بذلك المهمة على اعدائنا. 
لقد وجهت في مقال سابق نداء للقمة بتبني تجريم دعاة الفتنه، وسن قانون يعاقب من يسعى بالفرقة والصراع والكراهية بين المسلمين. فكلنا أهل قبلة، وكلنا مواطنون في بلداننا، لنا نفس الحقوق وعلينا ذات الواجبات. بل وكثير منا أهل، وبيننا رحم وجيره، صداقة وزمالة، فجاء أهل الفتنة والنميمة والكراهية ليذكرونا بنعرات جاهلية، ويحرثوا الأرض التي نعيش عليها ليوقظوا مامات من اسباب الاختلاف، ويشعلوا ما أنطفأ من نيران الصراع. 
ولم يكتف القادة بالاتفاق على هذه البديهية الهامة، بل زادوا فتبنوا مبادرة خادم الحرمين الشريفين، الملك عبدالله بن عبدالعزيز، لإنشاء مركز للحوار بين المذاهب، يفض الخلافات، ويقرب المسافات، ويقر ماسبق الاتفاق عليه في مكة المكرمة قبل سنوات من أن المذاهب الاسلامية ثمانية، تشمل الشيعية. 
ولعل بعض الذين انتقدوا وهاجموا نتائج المؤتمر إما فاتتهم أهمية هذا الأمر، أو ساءهم ما أدركوه. ومن ساءه إما جهل مايؤديه اليه هذا الجدل الخطير في قضايا ينبغي الا تشغلنا، فأمور العقيدة بين المرء وربه، ف(لست عليهم بمسيطر)، والله وحده (يحكم بينهم فيما كانوا فيه يختلفون)، وإنما (الدين المعاملة). ومسائل الفقه تقوم اساسا على الاختلاف، و(اختلاف الأئمة رحمة للأمة)، وعلى هذه الشئون أن تبقى محصورة في مجالس العلم ومدارس الفقه ولا تشحن النفوس وتقاد بها العامة في صراعات فرقتنا وكسرت شوكتنا. 
ثم أن كثيرا من الخلف مصدره الجهل، بقصد أو بدون. فكثيرا مما نأخذه على اخوتنا الشيعة مصدره مشبوه، أو لا يمثل الا غلاتهم. وكذلك مايجدونه علينا. فلو لم يقم مركز حوار المذاهب في الرياض إلا بنشر ما يوضح الحقائق ويفنذ الاوهام والاكاذيب، لضيقنا على أهل الغلو والفتنة مساحات الظلام والرمادية بنور العلم والمعرفة، حتى لا يبقى من ظلامها الا مابقي في قلوبهم وعقولهم، فسهل امرهم علينا. 
لقد بلغنا أنهر الدم، يا أحبة رسول الله، وأولغنا بعضنا فيها. فهاك العراق مثالا، وهاك باكستان وايران، ومايجري بين الشيعة والسنة فيهما من اقتتال. والشرار الذي كان حولنا صار بيننا. وإن لم نطفأه بفيض التسامح والتفاهم أهلكنا كما أهلك من كان قبلنا، وكثير ممن حولنا. 
لقد سرني، فيما سرني وهو كثير، تلك الحفاوة التي خص بها خادم الحرمين الرئيس الايراني أحمدي نجادي، والتجاوب السريع الذي لمسته في وكالة الأنباء الايرانية وقناة العالم وغيرها من وسائل الاعلام الايرانية الرسمية. نعم، قد لا يغير هذا الموقف الأخوي الجميل من إمام المسلمين لأخ له كثر خطأه وظلمه لنفسه، ولكنه سيساعد حتما أي خطوات قادمة .. ومنها حوار المذاهب، ولعلها تعين في فتح القنوات والتعاون بشأن مستقبل سوريا، وقضايا الأمة الأخرى. فإيران دولة كبرى، ومكانتها عند مئة وخمسين مليون شيعي في العالم الاسلامي ليس لها منازع. وأقل ما يقال في موقف أبن عبدالعزيز أنه سار على ماسار عليه أبوه في التعامل مع الخصومات بين الأخوة، وما أمر به نبي الرحمه عندما قال (لا تعينوا الشيطان على اخيكم) بمعاداته ومحاداته. 
الأمة نتنظر هذه المرة الفعل بعد القول. تنتظر موقفا موحدا تجاه اسرائيل، خاصة بعد أن سقط حلفائها في مصر وسوريا وليبيا وتونس، وموقفا داعما للشعب السوري في محنته، سرا وعلانية، وضغطا متواصلا على الحكومة البورمية لتعطي للمسلمين حقوقهم، وتأمن عودتهم الى مدنهم وقراهم وبيوتهم، وأن نبدأ خطوات اقامة مركز حوار المذاهب فورا، وبلا تعطيل، حتى لا يأتي موسم الحج، إلا وقد أجتمع علماء المسلمين تحت خيمة واحدة. 
وأن يلحق بذلك اخراس اصوات أهل الفتنة، وتجريم أي دعوة اليها، أو تحريض عليها، وتشجيع أهل التسامح والوحدة والحوار، ومنهم صاحب “البيان الشيعي الجديد”، أحمد الكاتب، بارك الله فيه وأكثر من أمثاله، وجمع عليه قلوب وعقول طائفته، وأبرز من بيننا من يناظره ويضع يده في يده … وانا اول من يمد يده. 
وهذا موقعه على النت:

نداء للقمة الاسلامية .. جرّموا دعاة الفتنة!

قالت بقلق وحيرة: زميلة الدراسة بجامعة الملك فيصل، فاطمة اصبحت تتعامل معي بحذر كلما تواصلت معها على الهاتف، أو بالبلاك بيري. وفي زيارتي الاخيرة للدمام قابلتها مع الشلة، فلاحظت غياب عدد من الأخوات لأسباب غير مقنعة .. ولما الححت في السؤال، أسرت الي صديقة عزيزة، أن بعض الزميلات السنيات صرن متحفظات على حضور الشيعيات، وأكثر الشيعيات شعرن بالجو المختلف فقررن الانسحاب من الشلة. 

صدمت .. وأكبرت في فاطمة، وهي شيعية، اصرارها على الحضور رغم تحفظها الغريب في الكلام، وضعف التفاعل. نفس الموقف تكرر خلال زيارتي للبحرين، فمجموعتنا الودودة هناك، لم تعد كذلك. اصبح هناك تشنج وانشقاق، وتباعد حتى في الدراسة والعمل والسكن. وقبل أن اكمل جولتي بالكويت، سمعت بيان الديوان الاميري الذي يحذر من الفتنة الطائفية، ويجرم الاساءة الى الرموز الدينية كسادتنا الحسن والحسين رضي الله عنهما، فاكتفيت بالعودة الى جده وشلتي التي ماتزال متماسكة.
لكنني صدمت في اول لقاء يجمعنا بان قضية الحوار اصبحت تدور حول الخلافات الطائفية المثارة على القنوات الفضائية وفضاء التواصل الاجتماعي كتويتر والفيس بوك والبلاك بيري والواتس اب. يالطيف! هل غبت كثيرا عن البلد للدراسة الى هذا الحد؟ هل يعقل ان يتطور الامر بهذه السرعة في عام ونصف؟

قلت لها: للأسف هذا بالضبط ماحدث! ولكن النار كانت تًُشعل وتشتعل تحت رمال الخليج منذ زمن طويل. فقد اُريد لهذه المنطقة أن تنشغل بخلافاتها الداخلية عن مواجهة الاطماع الدولية. جربوا الغزو المباشر فخسروا. وجربوا الاحتلال فاندحروا. وعادوا اخيرا الى مابدأوا به، سياسة "فرق تسد" التي سادوا بها الدنيا وحكموا بها بلادنا ورقابنا مئات السنين. 

لقد كتبت نداء للقمة العربية التي عقدت في بغداد أطالب بإدراج قانون يجرم التحريض والكراهية وإثارة الفتن. فالعالم الذي خسر في الحرب العالمية الثانية فقط خمسين مليون قتيلا، غير الجرحي والمعاقين، قرر أن يحرم الدعوة الى الكراهية، ويعاقب المخالفين بالطرد من المناصب المؤثرة والحرمان من المنابر العامة والغرامات والسجن.

وفي أمريكا التي تفاخر بحرية التعبير المطلقة، تستثنى دعوات التحريض على الآخر المختلف، عنصرا ولونا وديانة. ونحن المسلمين أجدر بذلك التقنين، فديننا دين الاختيار الحر، والتسامح، وحسن الدعوة والتعامل، ومكارم الاخلاق. وإذا كنا أُمرنا الا نشتم المشركين، فكيف بشتم المسلمين؟ كيف بتكفيرهم واخراجهم من الملة؟ كيف بالتحريض على دمائهم واعراضهم؟ كيف بمحاكمة مافي عقولهم وقلوبهم؟ كيف بالتألي على الله فيمن يدخله الجنة ومن يدخله الجحيم؟

القضية لم تعد جدلا فقهيا وعقديا عمره ١٤٠٠ عام، ولكنه اليوم اصبح قضية امنية تهدد أمتنا بالاحتراب، وبلداننا بالانقسام، ومجتمعاتنا بالتقاتل. والنذر لم تعد تنبواءت وتصورات، ولكنها ماثلة حولنا وبيننا .. وامامنا. (انظر حولك!)، كما كان يقول اعلان تنظيم النسل في مصر، وسيغنيك الحال عن المقال. فالمجتمع العراقي كان تماسكه مضرب الامثال، ففي القبيلة الواحدة، والأسرة الواحدة والحي الواحد تتمثل كل الطوائف، واليوم طلقت الزوجات من ازواجهن، وتحارب بني العمومة والجيران وزملاء الدراسة، واصبحت الاحياء تُعرف بطائفة سكانها، بل أن مدنا بأكملها تلونت باعلام المذهب لا البلد.

واليوم انتشرت العدوى فحركت ما قد نسي اللبنانيون او تناسوا من عصبية الدين والمذهب، وبدأت قرون شيطان الطائفية تطلع في الاعلام والاحزاب .. ووصلت البيوت والشوارع. وفي مصر اشعلها دعاة الفتنة بين المسلم والقبطي، والشافعي والاخواني والسلفي والصوفي. وعادت الروح الى الحوثية في شمال اليمن، والقاعدية في جنوبه، وصحا الخلاف العتيق بين السلفية والصوفية، والشافعية والزيدية. 

لا يمكن ان يكون كل هذه صدفة، ولا عملا فرديا من ايران (رغم تورطها في كثير مما يحدث) او محور اسرائيل. ما يحدث من عمل ايدينا، شجعه غيرنا وفرحوا به، وكيف لا يفرحون؟ فخير أمة أخرجت للناس كالنار تأكل بعضها إن لم تجد ما تأكله. احرقت خيراتها وخيرة ابنائها، واضاعت قدسها ومجدها، وتفرغت اليوم ليحرق بعضها بعضا، وتترك الخير والمجد وعمارة الارض وخلافة الله فيها لغير المسلمين.  

كتبت بالامس نداءً للقمة العربية ولم يُستجب. واليوم اضم صوتي لصوت العقلاء، وندائي لنداء امير الكويت، وقلمي لقلم الزميل الكبير عبدالرحمن الراشد، ودعائي مع دعاء رموز الاعتدال في المنطقة، كالشيخ يوسف القرضاوي، والدكتور سلمان العوده، والسيد محمد خاتمي، والشيخ هاشمي رافنسجاني، والشيخ عبدالله بن بيه، والدكتور عايض القرني، والشيخ حسن الصفار، وعلماء الامة الاسلامية من باكستان واندونيسيا الى نيجيريا وجنوب افريقيا، ومن تركيا واذربيجان الى ارتيريا وجزر القمر، وأرفع بأسم كل مخلص لوحدة أمته، حريص على أمن وطنه ومجتمعه، نداءً لمؤتمر التضامن الاسلامي في مكة المكرمة، ليتبنى قانونا صارما يجرم دعاة الكراهية، ويضع الآليات التي تحدد جماعيا وداخل كل بلد الحدود والنظم والعقوبات التي تعيد قرون الشيطان الى حيث جاءت، وتخمد نار الفتنة التي قد ندرك أولها .. ولكن الله وحده يعلم ما ستنتهي بنا اليه. 

حكامنا وقادة امتنا .. ان مستقبلنا وامننا واماننا في اعناقكم فاحمونا من تجار الكراهية ودعاة الفتنة (لعن الله من ايقظها!)
Twitter: @kbatarfi
Facebook: kbatarfi2

A Call to the Islamic Summit: Criminalize Hate Speech!

Concerned and confused, she said: Since my return from US in my school vacation, my classmate at King Faisal University, Fatima, is acting cautiously every time we communicate. On my visit to Dammam, I met her with the rest of our group, but noticed she was not as talkative and excited as usual. Many of our group members were absent. I wasn’t impressed with their excuses, after all I told them weeks in advance I was coming. 

Finally, the party host told me, privately, things have changed in the last year or so. Some Sunni girls are not welcoming the Shia, and the latter felt it without being told, and decided to withdraw from all but the most important events. So now only Fatima is attending, but she is not her same self.  
I appreciated Fatima’s courage and insistence on fighting the sectarian divide and understood her cautious attitude. 

My visit to Bahrain was even more troubling. Feelings were not hidden, and no Shia were attending the reception my Sunni friend were holding on my honor.  I was warned against visiting Shia, and told they moved anyway from the neighbourhood. Sunni and Shia now live and work separately! I called and met with some of them in a restaurant. While they were happy to see me, there were some tension in the air.

Before I left to Kuwait, I heard the Amir warning against sectarian hate speech. He promised to punish those who blaspheme the Imams Alhasan and Alhusein, the sons of Imam Ali and his wife, Fatima Alzahra, the daughter of Prophet Mohammed, Peace Be Upon him.

Finally, I returned to Jeddah, were all my friends belong to the Sunni sect. But, alas, the discussion was focused on the same issues. I tried explaining that most ideas about the Shia were myths and propaganda by their haters. "You need to read their literature and talk to them, before making such damning judgement," I'd say. Few listen. Fewer agree! 
I felt like it was ages since I left home-not just sixteen months!

I told her: Unfortunately, that's exactly what happened. But the fire were under the Gulf sands much longer than your absence time. This region were under attack in many ways. The Israeli axis tried indirect control, and wasn't enough. They tried invasion and occupation and failed. But what they always succeed at, is what worked for them during the colonialism era-Divide and Rule. So here we are, quarrelling over issues dead 1400 years ago, while the neo-colonists enjoy the show, waiting for the right moment to take us by surprise. 

Before the Arab Summit in Baghdad, last march, I published a call to Arab leaders asking them to issue a law that criminalises hate speech. The world, after losing over 50 million of its inhapitants during WW2, decided to ban and punish hate merchants. Democratic USA and Europe, proud as they are of free speech laws, would not tolerate inciting people against each other on bases of color, faith, sex orientation or ethnicity. Shaira laws prohibit such incitements on principle. So we are more obliged to make it crystal clear to those dividers and hate speakers that now its against the law to do “fetnah”-driving Muslims against each others. 

Today, it is not an ideological debate on sectarian magazines and satellite TVs, religious schools and mosques. The issues have refilled people with so much anger, distrust and aversion that marriages are broken, family members are estranged from each other, neighbours are fighting among themselves, and whole tribes, villages and towns, who were peaceful and coherent, are now divided along religious lines. Voluntary or forcefully, districts are being cleansed from followers of opposite faiths. 

The resulting civil wars in India, Pakistan, Burma, Thailand, the Philippines, Iran, Iraq, Bahrain, Syria, Egypt, Yemen and Lebanon are only recent examples of what to expect. Shall we wait until the rest of us go down that hellish road? 

I am calling on Muslim leaders convening today in the holiest place on Earth to put a stop to this madness and outrageous defiance of Allah’s laws. In the name of Prophet Mohammed umma, I call for a strict law that criminalise any act or speech that lead or call for hate of or discrimination against any persons or groups, wether it led or not to actual attack on such people. 

Mechanism and punishment should be clear and stipulated into widely announced laws.  Tolerant and wise heads of opinion leaders from different sects and faiths should act together to voice their concerns, explain away the misunderstanding and call for unity and peaceful coexistence. The inter-sect dialogue that started in Mecca four years ago, under the auspice of the Custodian of the two Holy mosques, King Abdullah, should continue between the religious leaders of the eight Muslim sects. 

Our future in your hands, our leaders, please make it secured and brighter with unity, love and peace. 

Hate speech and the Makkah Summit

Much of the negative comments leveled on the Islamic Summit in Makkah earlier this month was born before its convention. The cynics declared it “dead on arrival”.

We may excuse their expectations if we review the results of previous summits, like the one also held in Makkah in 2005. The summit, then, laid down the blueprint called the Ten-Year Program of Action which “envisages joint action of member states, promotion of tolerance and moderation, modernization, extensive reforms in all spheres of activities including science and technology, education, trade enhancement, and emphasizes good governance and promotion of human rights in the Muslim world, especially with regard to rights of children, women and elderly and the family values enshrined by Islam.” Little progress has been achieved since in all of the above issues. 

I beg to disagree, however, with those who thought the results have not justified the effort, this time. 

The fact that many leaders convened around the holiest Muslim place on earth, on the holiest night of the year, cannot but be good for the Muslim nation “Ummah”. With the prayers of 1,500 million Muslims, Allah may join our hands and hearts around His word and cause. 

The final statement puts its finger on the most important injuries of the Muslim body. 

The Syrian government’s legitimacy has been annulled by 56 Muslim nations. This opens the doors for support — directly and indirectly, overtly and covertly, military and civic — to the Syrian people and the Free Syrian Army. This also means that the whole Ummah is now taking the side of the Syrian people, loud and clear. 

The statement also focused attention and shed light on the genocide in Myanmar against the Muslim minority. Light is criminals’ worst enemy — the more we know the less space and free movement are available to them. Beside, more help is expected, with Islamic charities and institutions getting Myanmar’s permission to help and observe. 

The summit coincided with the 43rd anniversary of the arson attempt on the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which triggered the convention of the first Islamic summit in Morocco in 1969, and the creation of the Organization of Islamic Conference (renamed Organization of Islamic Cooperation in 2005). 

The most important achievement, in my opinion, is the condemnation of hate speeches and religious and ethnic agitation, which led to infighting and disunity among Muslims and threats to non-Muslim minorities. The initiative of King Abdullah, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, to establish a center in Riyadh for inter-sectarian dialogue will help much in facilitating understanding among various Islamic schools of thought. It will confirm what has already been recognized: Muslim sects are eight, not just four. And Shiites are as Muslim as Sunnis. The conference also calls of the member states’ support for and emphasis on inter-religious, inter-cultural dialogue, initiated by King Abdullah in 2008 and adopted by the United Nations.

I was happy to see King Abdullah seating Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad next to him in the grand reception and the two of them standing side by side to greet arriving delegates. The image showed unity between the two Gulf powerhouses.

The majority in both countries may subscribe to two different sects, but they are both Muslims, worshipping the same God, following the same Prophet (pbuh), reading the same Qur’an, and praying towards the same “Qibla” — Makkah. What unite them in geography, culture and history — not to mention economic and development interests — are far more important and beneficial than what separate them.

Such cooperation and understanding could only benefit the Ummah and the region. Burning issues, like Syria, Lebanon and Palestine, need more good faith and better lines of communication among major regional players, including Egypt and Turkey.

Actions should follow the declaration of intents. All of those issues are important and urgent. Let’s hope that the establishment of the dialogue center would start before the Haj season, so that Muslim scholars could begin their first mission in such holy event and place which Allah meant for such cooperation and collaboration. And laws criminalizing hate speeches would follow. 

Supportive calls and statements from religious leaders in Makkah, Qatif, Najaf, Qum, Cairo, Ankara, Tunis and Beirut should be echoed by solid work on the ground. Intellectuals and opinion leaders must support governmental work with initiatives of their own. 

I am working now with a Mideastern group representing different faiths and ethnicities, Muslims and non-Muslims, to establish a think-tank in Beirut, advocating the spirit of peaceful coexistence, tolerance and dialogue. Join us. Pray for us.

Lebanon-The Kidnapped Peace!

I just came back from a social trip to Lebanon. Dear Lebanese friends, Gilbert and Miriam Khaleel, were wedding and a beloved couple fell ill. 

I was warned that it wasn’t safe for Gulf citizens to visit at this time. A Shitte tribal family in the North threatened to kidnap Syrian, Turki, Saudi and Qatari visitors if the Free Syrian Army didn’t free their son. They assumed Turkey and Gulf countries supported the army and thus had the clout to free him.  

The Free Army, on the other hand, insisted that the Lebanese they arrested in Damascus were Hezbollah military officers supporting the Syrian government military campaign against their own people. The Turkish was released after a high Turkish delegation arrived to pressure the Lebanese government, not so much luck for the Syrians. The Lebanese government was up in arms to resolve the issue. 

Politicians and businessmen were calling this a spill off from the Syrian crisis and a political and business disaster.  The Gulf tourists provide the most valuable source of income to the vital tourist industry. The Eid holiday is the most lucrative season, and the issue could not have occurred in worse timing. Syria, they say, is releasing its hot steam into its small peaceful neighbour, like it wasn’t enough that refugee camps on the Lebanese border are swelling with increasing number of Syrians escaping the raging wars in their towns and villages. 

Thankfully, the issue was resolved quickly. The Lebanese government, dominated by Hezbollah alliance, pressured the tribe; the Shitte parties, including Amal, took the government side; and the tribe leaders announced ”we will no longer take any ‘military actions’ on the Lebanese proper”. 

I felt safe shopping, dining and conducting meetings in Beirut, moving around in my rented car alone or with my Lebanese friends. 

People who knew were I came from would do their best to please, then eargerly ask about my experience. When I approved, they would say: “Please tell that back home. Lebanon cannot be Lebanon without the Gulf people. What wrong have we done? why do we have to pay such hefty price for a crazy action from a non-responsible family? Besides, troubles are happening far away from here-in Tripoli, the capital of the North, and some Syrian border areas. Beirut, Beit Al-Dine, Sour, Sidon and the rest of the country are as safe and welcoming as ever. The media is making too much an issue of a lone incident and small fire! Don’t believe them! Come see for yourself, ” 

Still I was cautious. I stayed close to hotel, and only went to known places and areas.  I met with friends, and wouldn’t mix or show my true identity to strangers. Because I felt safer every day, and since a couple of my Lebanese friends were still ill, I decided to extend my week-long visit three more days. 

Suddenly, I received many calls from worried Saudi family and friends. It was just announced that a Kuwaiti was kidnapped during a visit to his Lebanese wife’s town in the Shitte Beqaa Valley, near the Syrian border. The kidnappers were after money this time. They figured a Kuwaiti ransom would be worth a fortune. 

Again, a political issue resulted from a common crime. The Lebanese government moved quickly to free the man and punish the criminals. But the damage was already done. Now it is official in Gulf countries, Lebanon is not safe for us. 

I had to leave, not because I was afraid-life was as normal and delightful as ever in Beirut, but because my beloved in Saudi wouldn’t understand. Even some of my Lebanese friends started to worry. The unknown is man’s worst fear. We may accept known risks, but when it is all about feelings, brains are overwhelmed with emotions and logic cease to be the guide. 

Instead of Friday, I took the Wednesday flight. On the way to airport, I took the highway through the Southern Suburb-Hezbollah stronghold. My Shitte friend was so worried when I called to ask for directions. He tried to direct me to another confusing route. That was overreaction. When I arrived to Beirut I went though the same route, and took directions from many people on the way, one even rode in and to took me to the hotel, in a mainly Christian area. He adamantly refused a ride back even to the nearest main street. 

After I returned the car to the rental office in the airport, I found that I had to refill the tank from the nearest gas station, which happened to be in the heart of the Southern Suburb. A couple of friends who knew were I was were panicking. I wasn’t even worried-not then, not through all my visit. 

The friendly, accommodating, peaceful, beautiful Lebanese were never sweeter. They expected my concerns and did their best to make me feel home. They damned politics and politicians, sectarians and foreign agents-the merchants of hate, war and distruction. Lebanese just wanted to go about their lives, chase their dreams and live in peace. 

May Allah bless Lebanon`s souls and hearts, and save them from the Angels of Death and Agents of Evil. They had enough! They deserve better. 

Lebanon: Civil War - again?!

My first visit to Lebanon was in 2002. Beirut had begun to recover a few years earlier after a devastating civil war. Prime Minister Rafiq Al-Hariri was leading the comeback of what used to be called the Switzerland of the East. There were few signs left of the war. Some buildings bore the marks, some were still destroyed, but most areas of the city were flourishing.

The Solidere project of rebuilding downtown Beirut was a showpiece of Lebanese determination to recover its place in a better more peaceful world. It was a coordinated project between the state and the private sector which was said to cost billions of dollars.

Money was being poured into rebuilding the poor infrastructure of the country’s land, air and sea networks. Tens of thousands of boys and girls who had been sent to study abroad in badly needed specialties at Al-Hariri’s expense returned to help in the rebuilding efforts. In 2002, the country was a huge workshop at all levels.

The Lebanese are good at it. During the Civil War that lasted from 1975 to 1990, when a quarter of a million lives were lost, they used to rebuild during every ceasefire. They partied too, almost every night. Lebanese are very lively people.

Most Lebanese I met told me that the past was a lesson they had learnt only too well. They now knew that religious pride could deliver them to Hell. While political fighting and religious differences still existed, they said that they had learnt to compete democratically. Respect for each other’s right to their own faith and views was the country’s best warranty against another war that everyone would lose.

Enter Iranian-Syrian-supported, militant and armed to the teeth Hezbollah! Enter the assassination of Lebanon’s greatest rebuilder and unifier, Rafiq Al-Hariri. And enter Syria’s own civil war. Now the world is totally different. The commitment to peaceful competition in a democratic environment seems to have evaporated. The parties have shown renewed interest in militant and armed argumentation. The latest street fighting in Tripoli and Beirut shows how easy it is to forget past lessons and commitments to a peaceful resolution of differences and to go back to war. Amazing.

My Lebanese friend, Miriam Zgheib, who studies and works in TV production, told me last week she was reborn again into the country’s dark history. She was born after the Civil War, but the recent fight between the Sunnis and Alawites in Tripoli, then between the pro-Hezbollah Sunnis and Al-Hariri camp in Beirut introduced her to the horror of senseless family wars. She tried to explain what was going on, then gave up and confessed that she just did not know - and did not care to know!  All she and her generation want is to breathe freedom, seek happiness and live in peace.  “Is that too much to ask?!”
The Lebanese army is the nation’s best guard and ultimate security guarantor. It should stand apart from all differences and divisive political-religious issues. If the wolves of hate and merchants of war manage to tarnish its image as an honest force, or to drag it into their wars, then it will lose its widespread public support and trust. Without people’s faith, the army can no longer function as protector of the nation.
The president, government, parliament and all cool heads in Lebanon, together with the country’s partners and friends abroad, should unite to end this nightmare scenario and stop the acceleration into civil war.

Time is not going to heal the injuries. If the looming storms are not immediately calmed, a Lebanon doomsday scenario is upon us all.

Incitement in the name of freedom, violence in the name of Islam

By: Dr. Khaled M. Batarfi

When his messenger to the king of Fars was mistreated, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was very upset. Messengers cannot be mistreated, let alone killed. This is a holy law which has been respected by nations and tribes since the dawn of civilization.

Diplomats today are representatives and messengers of other nations.

International law protects them to the extent that their embassies and consulates are to be treated as part of their own countries. They are guests of honor under the protection of the entire nation in which they reside, not just its government. Islam and all religions approve of this sanctuary. No messenger was ever mistreated in Muslim lands during the era of the Prophet (pbuh) and his Caliphates. There is no excuse whatsoever for abusing foreigners to make a point or to protest an action or a policy of their government.

In 1979, soon after the Islamic revolution in Iran, hundreds of students invaded the US embassy in Tehran. They held US diplomats hostage for 444 days. The revolutionary government encouraged this action, and, until today, no one has been found guilty or has paid for this crime. Some of those who were involved are in power now and are proud of what they did.

The anniversary of the storming of the embassy is celebrated every year, as if it was an achievement, not a savage crime.

Again and again, we have seen militants taking advantage of the lack of security during turmoil and revolutions to attack embassies and diplomats in the name of noble causes or religions. This is an insult to both, and to the civility of the nation. Those who called for, encouraged, helped or committed such horrendous acts are to be treated as enemies of Allah and the Ummah, and mercilessly hunted and executed.

As for the movie that caused all this anger and resulted in attacks on US and European diplomatic missions in Libya, Tunis, Egypt, Sudan and Yemen, there are legal ways of protesting its insults. It does not help humanity to tolerate hate speech in any form or with any excuse. Enough blood has been shed in the history of the world as a result of such intolerance.

Incitement leads to hate, and hate leads to conflict and war. Religious wars in Europe and the Middle East have cost millions of lives and much destruction and pain. Laws prohibiting hate speech were made to prevent the repetition of such human catastrophes.

The world should unite today to issue universal, thorough and strict laws against disrespect for religious beliefs and symbols, ethnic minorities, and sexual orientation, and incitement against others. We, Muslims, should lead the way by criminalizing hate speech. Sectarian hatred and violence have reached new highs in our world. Incendiary projects, like this movie, have agitated a world that is already on edge. Christian-Muslim relations in Egypt have been under attack by extremists of both sides. That fire could reach Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq, where sizable Christian minorities reside.

Extremists are searching hard for an opening, an excuse, a reason to go back to their audience and say: “See? Haven’t I told you so?” This time it was the turn of Coptic Egyptians in the US with the help of an Israeli and the approval of an anti-Islam fanatical cleric, Terry Jones.

They decided to produce a blasphemous movie about Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and since they live safely in the US, they care little about the fate of their fellow Copts in Egypt. This shows how ugly these bloodthirsty people can be.

I can only hope and pray that wisdom will prevail. Except for the opportunistic US presidential candidate Mitt Romney, the US has shown its leadership credentials by acting in a responsible way. It condemned those involved in producing the film and refrained from taking any action which was aimed at winning votes in the upcoming elections.

The governments in Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Sudan, Lebanon and the rest of the region did the same, and provided more security for US missions while finding and prosecuting the attackers. They should not hesitate to allow more US marines to be stationed in US embassies in their countries.

Public opinion leaders are calling for calm and Muslim clerics are issuing fatwas prohibiting barbaric attacks on peaceful diplomats. Muslim and Christian organizations are calling for laws prohibiting religious hate speech. Google withdrew the offending movie from some servers, and hopefully will do so from all. If this positive trend continues, it may end up to be a blessing in disguise.

– Dr. Khaled Batarfi is a Saudi writer based in Jeddah. He can be reached at: Kbatarfi@gmail.comFollow him on Twitter: @Kbatarfi